Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Turn Off the Light" has been chosen to be featured as the Songwriter Spotlight this week on Songwriters Vantage!  Check it out!


Monday, October 4, 2010

"Turn Off the Light" Video & New Web Site!

Hey ya'll! My new web site is up and running with my new music video, "Turn Off the Light"! Check it out!

“Turn Off The Light” is on “Rocketfuel” playlist!

‎My song, “Turn Off The Light” is currently on the “Rocketfuel” playlist, which will air approx. once per day between 4AM – 8AM PST (7AM –11AM EST) until November 1st! YAY! 

Turn Off the Light

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bordello Show in LA - August 31st!

Hey ya'll! Gettin' my singin' boots on this month! Come on down to "Bordello" in downtown LA on Tuesday, August 31st at 8:30pm for my live show with my 10 piece band.  21+ and $10 cover. You don't want to miss this night!! Sharing the stage with "Leftover Cuties" and "R. Scott"

Bordello - 901 E. 1st, Los Angeles, CA - @ 8:30pm

New Pics Launched! New Website TBA


To view more new photos, please go to: Whitton Pics
Photos taken by Natalie Gamble
New Website TBA

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Whitton featured on "The Highway Girl"

Hey! I'll be featured on "The Highway Girl" this weekend starting on Thursday, July 15, 2010 and will run through Sunday, July 18, 2010. Check it out!

The Highway Girl

Monday, July 12, 2010

MusicMonday 2010 [Week 29]

Hey ya'll! I wanted to let you know that I'm featured on “Music Monday” with WomensRadio Music Review! Check it!

MusicMonday 2010 [Week 29]

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

“Dirty Up" on WomensRadio Music Review Podcast

My tune, “Dirty Up" is featured on the 24th Episode of WomensRadio Music Review Podcast. Check it out!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

NEED YOUR VOTE! "Midas Rock Highway" Contest!

Hey Everyone! So... I entered this contest called "Midas Rock Highway", whom have teamed up with Sonicbids. I'm trying to reach the top 10 qualifying artists in the "Totally Amped Up" category. And if I do, I'll move one step closer to Road Song royalty. In addition, I'll have the chance to win up to $5,000 in cash and be included in an upcoming ad in SPIN Magazine! That cash could help finish my upcoming record!! PLEASE VOTE for my song "TURN OFF THE LIGHT". Now, I know everyone is super busy with life, but if you remember lil 'ole me, please VOTE for me EVERYDAY thru the month of July! The more votes, the closer I get. Love you guys, thanks soooooo much for the support!

~ W

PS... Vote here: VOTE

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

July News... So far!

Yell..O! Hope everyone is gearin' up for a fabulous 4th of July! I voted to play Monopoly... alas, I find myself at a table with empty chairs. I guess this means get a life, join the party or be alone, eating dried mangos and daydreaming about how nice it'd be to own Boardwalk and Park Place in real life. Well... whatever you guys decide to do this red, white and blue holiday, be safe and smart. Drinking and driving are for lameos, losers and boozers.

So... July news... hmmm. Nothing too too exciting as of this second, but in a few weeks you're gonna witness something pretty freakin' awesome that's stashed away in my back pocket. No way can I spill all the beans just yet, but I'll give you a few tasters... My NEW live performances and music video,"Turn Off the Light" will be released. I'm relaunching my entire web site with new photos and upcoming show dates. I'm cookin' up some fun merchandise ideas, watch out! Will be available at my live concerts. Oh, and I've been finger pickin' away on my new Martin! Soundin' real fine ladies and gentlemen. That's all I can reveal from the Whitton curtain for the time being... I know, I know... Got you all riled up. You're just gonna have to wait.

Here's a snap shot of a couple of talented folks while jamming in the studio: Peter Fox, Jon LaTona, Darius Minaee and singer, Emily Jane. Photo taken by Ian Coyne.

More to come. Have a blast this weekend ya'll!

~ Whitton

Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Turn Off the Light" - Photos!

Here's a sneak peek of the stills from my new music video "Turn Off The Light".

Actor Evan Dumouchel played my drunk, low beat husband whom turned into a suave, charming catch by the end of the night. Photography by my director, Michael Whitton.

The OneString King, a good friend of mine, let us shoot at his house in Long Beach, CA. One of the best experiences I've ever had.

I wouldn't have gotten to do this without my fantastic Producer - Kellie Maltagliati! Endless hugs and thanks Kellie!

I want to do it all over again!

Myra Penate (amazing makeup artist) and Natalie Gamble (exceptional photographer) are watching quietly during each take. Photo right is Julie Hinton (beautiful singer & pianist) who performed on the whirly during outside porch takes.

Todd McCool on the guitar!

Director of Photography - Robert Baliszewski and lighting assistant - Pat O'Malley. Also, to the right are my band mates: Jon Latona (bass) and Shaunte Palmer (trombone), but this night I had him play drums. =) Nice one Shaunte!

It was indeed a fabulous night! Except... the only thing I'd do different is make sure my hair doesn't go flat by 4am. I needed the extra extra extra hold! Damn ocean air. Stay tuned!

~ Whitton

Ps... Don't want to forget one of the most important talents in this process, my production designer, Shalome Pilon! She rocked it out like no one's business! And a special thanks to everyone who contributed costumes, props and time! You're the best! Amazing crew all in all. Thank you everyone... I really look forward to working together again!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Video/Photo Process

Hey ya'll! I'm now recovering from major sleep deficiency this past weekend. But all worth it because of such an AMAZING video/photo shoot and an incredible crew involved! We filmed a music video of my song, "Turn Off the Light". Truly, just a pleasure and privilege! I'm soooooo blessed and thrilled with the results. Thank you to everyone involved! Especially the OneString King, my band, video crew, photo crew, Michael Whitton, Robert Baliszewski and producer - Kellie Maltagliati! Without you, this couldn't have happened. Stay tuned, more to come...
Wait until you all see the magic!!
~ W

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fun News in June

Hello everyone! Hope ya'll enjoyed your Memorial Weekend. I sure did! Just getting back from the "Lightning in A Bottle" Festival in Oak Canyon! Lots of funky fashion, stunning beauty and lovely company. =) I'm definitely submitting to perform next year.

Now for little bit of news...

My song, "I Fell In Love" is featured on Sonic Eclectic Radio!

Also, my new EP release is featured on Radio Crystal Blue Novus Ordo's podcast on 5/30 and will be distributed the day after. This edition will be rebroadcast once on this Live365 station on Saturday 6/5 10pm ET

Last but not least, I recently got my finished mix of "Turn Off the Light" by Michael James from IndieProMix! So impressed and extremely fortunate! If you're a musician and need a perfect mix, I HIGHLY recommend.

More to come! ~ W

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Whitton De Fleur

Hello everyone! I hope this message finds you smiling today. I wanted to share with you my sister's handmade "Whitton De Fleur" designs. I'm so very lucky to have such a talented sister! Cool thing is is when you attend my live concerts, you'll be able to purchase them.

Ok, ok now... don't get your feathers all ruffled out of towners... these beautiful vintage flowers will be ready to order online soon. Let's give a hand to these fabulous models: My sister - Stacey, my Mom - Linda, our friend - Lana Zeligman, and I forget the blond girl's name... oh, Me. Special thanks to Dean Z (photographer)!

Ciao Bellas and Guidos!

~ Whitton

Monday, May 10, 2010

"New York" LIVE Footage

Seek a peek at my tune "New York" LIVE. Taken by a fan at Stronghold in Venice, CA. Check it. =)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Flat Tire

Hey ya'll! I have a new/old revamped acousticly naked tune I wanted to share with you. I'm good at revamping and revising, as you can see I'm constantly doing so. I see it like this, even though you physically can't see music like a breathing person standing before you, songs are indeed living creatures. You have to nurture them for they are constantly changing. Some stay by your side forever. You witness them in different lights as time ticks away...

As far as this sliver of my life goes, just be thankful this tune isn't about you... ha ha.

"I Fell in Love" with...

I wanted to remind Delta Airline passengers to take a gander thru their Sky Magazine and tune into my song " I Fell in Love" while flying during May and June. =) Also, Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful Mommies in the world!
Spring blooms of desert plumes,

~ W

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Black Heart Graphics

Good evening all...
As a very, very thoughtful gift, my two spunky lady friends
decals to my merch selection! YAY! So, next time ya'll come
out to my shows, you can pick one up. Is it lame to have my
own decal on my car? Hahaha! Maybe... so. Ahhh hell, at least
I can see them on your cars or where ever you want to stick
them! Anyways, if anyone needs vinyl decals, check these fine
ladies out!

Cheers to you, Cat and Chris Pee!

~ Whitton

Monday, April 26, 2010

"HOT HOT" EP Party!

Ook... I've been totally sucking at blogging lately... I thought I should share some photos taken by photographer, Natalie Gamble, of my EP release party at a quaint little hip "speakeasy" called Stronghold in Venice, CA. I performed with a full 13 piece band! It was wild! And it went perfectly... except for my hair! Ha ha! I also videotaped that evening... so... those of you that couldn't attend, you'll have a second chance to witness the magic of March 21st! It was fun to have my sweet brother, David sing back up vocals and have my Papa sell my CDs, which he had a kick doing...

Before the show, as I was powdering up for the cameras, I had the pleasure of one of the club owners helping me pick out just the right pair of heels to perform in. Then, I was interviewed with honest questions about my musical direction for the future.

Look at how cute my band is!

I serenaded 2-3 songs from my new Ep, plus a few new beees that I'm sooo in LOVE with.. In the moment with closed eyes while wholeheartedly engaged, I made myself so at home, I kept hitting the microphone with my teeth and forehead. Ha ha! It was a special show for me... It just reassured me this is what I'm born to do...

To view more photos from this performance please go to:

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Kellie Maltagliati, Michael Whitton (video crew), my BIG beautiful band, all my fans that gave donations, Ian Coyne, Natalie Gamble and last, but not least, Stronghold.

Friday, April 9, 2010

iTunes ~ CDBaby ~ FREE MP3 ~ WATCH OUT!

Hey ya'll! The time is finally here... My new EP release is now available for purchase on CDBaby and iTunes! Just click on the link! If you're feeling brave and inspired, I highly encourage you to review my tunes and leave any comments on CDBaby and iTunes. It'd be much appreciated.

If your keeping up with my sporadic blogging, I'd like to offer you a gift! I
f you sign up by clicking on the box marked FOLLOW, I'll personally email you an exclusively, unreleased FREE MP3! You may then email me at: WHITTONFANS@GMAIL.COM and write "FREE MP3" in the subject box. Thanks for the wonderful support. I'm sooooo looking forward to sharing my music with you! Stay tuned, my producer, Ian Coyne and I have been working nonstop on the full album that will be released sometime this fall.

Swirls and twirls,

~ W

Friday, March 26, 2010

This Saturday's SD IndieFest Show

I've literally been trying to play this festival for quite sometime now! And I finally got booked! If you can't afford to go to the SD IndieFest for the whole day, just got wind that my show on Saturday the 27th is FREE! I'm performing on the Women's History Stage at 5pm - inside Claire de Lune Coffee House! Just know you'll be missing a handful of amazing indie artists, so I highly recommand trying to go the whole ...day. =) Hope to see your sweet eyes!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Is Good Radio" Interview

If you missed my "Is Good Radio" appearance on 3/11/10, I was lucky enough to be interviewed, videotaped and recorded by Jon Hershfield. To listen to the podcast click: TUNE IN . To watch my solo acoustic performance, please click on: WATCH .

I truly had a wonderful time chattin' it up with Jon. I highly recommend continuing to tune in to "Is Good Radio". Knowing Jon over the years, I can see how much passion and love he has for all types of music. He chooses the bands he interviews and really takes to heart quality music.

I thank you for reading my blogs. =) I hope you all are enjoying the sun today.

~ W

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Bag Full of Goodies

Wow, I've got a lot of fun things happening, but I can't tell you everything just yet!! But what I can tell you is...

"Dirty Up" is currently ranking in the top 100 of the Female Singer-Songwriter Onstage channel! There's still plenty of time for "Dirty Up" to move around the charts, so to my lovely army of loyal fans, please help judge and vote for my music to rise to the top. Onstage's Female Singer-Songwriter competition isn't even half way through the month so a lot can change.... Thanks everyone, you rock my world.

It seems "Dirty Up" is getting a lot of attention lately! “Dirty Up” is also currently on rotation until May 1st on WomensRadio Independent Channel on Live365. Tune in anytime and you'll also get a chance to discover a bunch of new female artists as well!

Also, tomorrow (March 11th) at 2pm, I have a LIVE online radio appearance with Is Good Radio. There, Jon Hershfield will interview me on my new EP release and I'll perform 3 acoustic songs. Everyone can tune in online at: Is Good Radio

To be a part of these events, please click on the links above. Lots more to come!! I'm getting excited about my show on the 23rd in Venice. Hope to see you all! Cheers!

~ W

Friday, March 5, 2010

"I Fell in Love" with Delta Airlines!

"I Fell in Love" with

Based on the time of year, the theme for Delta Air Lines' show is Spring/Summer Spirit. The "Sonicbids Indie Showcase” is featuring 6 Sonicbids artists on an audio channel on Delta Air Lines domestic and international flights. So... I decided to enter and kinda put it out of my head for a while.

Well, guess what???? They chose my song "I Fell in Love", which will air on this channel for 45 of every 90 minutes for two months (May/June 2010). It will be announced on air and listed in Delta’s online Sky magazine as well! This breaks down to my song being played approximately 20,000 times on 42,540 flights to over 5 million listeners. Over 61% of Delta’s passengers listen to the in-flight entertainment.

So, if by chance you're deciding to fly somewhere, and it happens to be during May and June, and by chance you choose Delta... Keep your eyes out for me!! I might just book a flight to celebrate. =)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Reconnecting for Haiti

Last Sunday at the Haiti benefit festival, it was fantastic to see so many different types of people and local art come together to support such a tragic event. I enjoyed all the unique original talent from poetry readings, different styles of live music, little kiddies chasing each other with glittered flowers and butterflies painted on their cheeks and local artist's colorful art pieces hanging in the gallery. There was a canvas that took up an entire wall for anyone to freely paint their vision for the collage.

Outside, the bands played and the smell of yummy bbq lingered with a horrifying stench of burning sage, which I'm extremely allergic too. Unfortunately, I was also suffering from a tiny fever and the chilly night didn't help. As you can see, I was heavily bundled up in my performance. Ha ha. I looked like a version of a golden Rapunzel Phantom. I did revel in revisiting my acoustic songs that I hadn't played live for quite sometime. I love that feeling... that feeling of truth and nakedness. I'm so glad that I got to be part of something good, hopefully, we all made a dent in helping the people of Haiti.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Day Away with Mickey

Oh my gooooooodddness! Being as dedicated and focused on a music career as I am, I physically and mentally geared and prepared myself for the long day of a million foot steps around Mickey's home. It seems no matter where I am or what I'm doing, I'm constantly crafting and contemplating my next move with my music. It was my sister's, my nephew's and my niece's birthday bash, I had to let my daily thoughts fizzle out and join the fun for one day! I forgot what it was like to be a kid... A bliss of innocence. On a handful of different rides, I couldn't help but to laugh from the deepest part of my core and scream as LOUD as I could as my gut dropped to the floor. The speed of wind pulled my cheeks back to my ears permanently it felt like. Ha ha! It was so good... kinda therapeutic in a way. (Yes, that's me in the front row on the left with my nephew! I know it's not flattering, but hey, it's Disneyland man, Mickey doesn't care what you look like.)

Throughout the day, I observed all the amusingly funny children that run around with their cotton candied faces and their forgotten balloons trailing behind them, the unique couples holding hands, the fabulous parade of smiles and familiar cartoon celebrities. I found myself singing along in my head to the speakers that covered Disneyland. I have to say, by the end of the magically "It's a Small World" tour, there was a moment that I took a deep breath and realized, this is how it feels to take a REAL vacation. I let go of all my worries for 24 hours and just simply enjoyed the moment. And the most important joy of all was, how amazing my family is and how grateful I am.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

"Carvinal Del Corazon" Benefit for Haiti*

Hey Long Beach fans! I'll be performing 5-6 solo acoustic songs for the Haiti benefit "Carvinal Del Corazon", which will continue to support the people there. I've also donated one of my songs for the "Carvinal Del Corazon" compilation CD of all the Long Beach artists that they'll be selling throughout the day. 100% of the proceed will be given to Yele.org. ♥ .

I'll be serenading loud and proud by 6pm just me and myself and I. Silent Art Auction, Sirena Serpentina (tribal fire/belly-dancing), AXE L.A., ACRO YOGA LA & many others. All ages! On Sunday, February 28, 2010, 4-9pm at Hancock University and 8pm – 1am at
The Cellar - 21+.1638 Long Beach Blvd. LBC.

Together their creating an unforgettable day offering a silent art auction, five live music/performance stages, kids activity area, live painting, live screen printing, fashion show, culutral dance performances, haircuts for donations, food, fire dancing, CD Compilation, free bike valet and safety check. They're asking the community to donate a $5-20 entry fee (no one will be turned away).

Hope to see ya there!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

"All I Want to Do" Video

Wow, what a fun experience I had while filming my first video last Monday. It was an awesome privilege to work with such a cool, sufficient crew. Ten hours would seem like a long day to just hang around waiting, keeping quiet, gettin' your hair and make up diiddddd and figuring out the right strategy on set, but it flew by! Between the yummy pizza and thai food, we had a pretty easy time planning and perfecting. Also, considering that I'm extremely animal deprived, it was a big plus that my brother brought his boxer puppy, Striker, to entertain us. He eat up all the attention too! Lucky dog!

When it was my turn to be filmed, the sun had gone to sleep and the frigid night was all that was left. BBbrrrrrrr... I mean double brrrrr! It was freakin' bone chilling. I wouldn't be surprise if you can see my goosebumps on my eye lids. Brrr! It took me a good hour to get the rose back in my cheeks.

I had quite the actors too! =) I couldn't have asked for a more perfect pair. They made my story come to life. I like this video thing... Can't wait until my next one! Stay tuned ya'll! I owe a BIG THANKS to everyone involved. They helped me with this video out of the goodness of their hearts and belief in my music. You guys rock!

Special thanks to: David and Jonathan Whitton, Johnnie Martinez, Rosana Perez, Mark Margossian, Chris Walters, Shelly Valdovinos, Ian Coyne, Kerstin Salinger and Stacey Whitton Summers for decorating my neck with her handmade "Whitton De Fleur" flower. =)