Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Black Heart Graphics

Good evening all...
As a very, very thoughtful gift, my two spunky lady friends
decals to my merch selection! YAY! So, next time ya'll come
out to my shows, you can pick one up. Is it lame to have my
own decal on my car? Hahaha! Maybe... so. Ahhh hell, at least
I can see them on your cars or where ever you want to stick
them! Anyways, if anyone needs vinyl decals, check these fine
ladies out!

Cheers to you, Cat and Chris Pee!

~ Whitton

Monday, April 26, 2010

"HOT HOT" EP Party!

Ook... I've been totally sucking at blogging lately... I thought I should share some photos taken by photographer, Natalie Gamble, of my EP release party at a quaint little hip "speakeasy" called Stronghold in Venice, CA. I performed with a full 13 piece band! It was wild! And it went perfectly... except for my hair! Ha ha! I also videotaped that evening... so... those of you that couldn't attend, you'll have a second chance to witness the magic of March 21st! It was fun to have my sweet brother, David sing back up vocals and have my Papa sell my CDs, which he had a kick doing...

Before the show, as I was powdering up for the cameras, I had the pleasure of one of the club owners helping me pick out just the right pair of heels to perform in. Then, I was interviewed with honest questions about my musical direction for the future.

Look at how cute my band is!

I serenaded 2-3 songs from my new Ep, plus a few new beees that I'm sooo in LOVE with.. In the moment with closed eyes while wholeheartedly engaged, I made myself so at home, I kept hitting the microphone with my teeth and forehead. Ha ha! It was a special show for me... It just reassured me this is what I'm born to do...

To view more photos from this performance please go to:

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Kellie Maltagliati, Michael Whitton (video crew), my BIG beautiful band, all my fans that gave donations, Ian Coyne, Natalie Gamble and last, but not least, Stronghold.

Friday, April 9, 2010

iTunes ~ CDBaby ~ FREE MP3 ~ WATCH OUT!

Hey ya'll! The time is finally here... My new EP release is now available for purchase on CDBaby and iTunes! Just click on the link! If you're feeling brave and inspired, I highly encourage you to review my tunes and leave any comments on CDBaby and iTunes. It'd be much appreciated.

If your keeping up with my sporadic blogging, I'd like to offer you a gift! I
f you sign up by clicking on the box marked FOLLOW, I'll personally email you an exclusively, unreleased FREE MP3! You may then email me at: WHITTONFANS@GMAIL.COM and write "FREE MP3" in the subject box. Thanks for the wonderful support. I'm sooooo looking forward to sharing my music with you! Stay tuned, my producer, Ian Coyne and I have been working nonstop on the full album that will be released sometime this fall.

Swirls and twirls,

~ W